

Vim misconceptions


Posted on July 19, 2012 by Tom Ryder

Vim isn’t the best tool for every task, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t stick to your GUI IDE if you know it like the back of your hand and are highly productive in it. The very basic best practices for text editing in general apply just as well to more familiar editing interfaces as they do to Vim, so nobody should be telling you that Vim is right for everyone and everything and that you’re wrong not to use it.


However, because Vim and vi-like editors in general have a lot of trouble shaking off the connotations of their serverside, terminal-only, mouseless past, there are a few persistent objections to even trying Vim that seem to keep cropping up. If you’re someone curious about Vim but you heard it was useless for any of the following reasons, or if you’re an experienced user looking to convince a hesitant neophyte to try Vim, the following list might clear a few things up.

可惜大部分人对Vim印象还停留在只能在服务器上用,终端的黑窗口,没有鼠标.拒绝去尝试Vim. 如果你对Vim好奇,或是你想引新人入坑,下面这些疑问的解答会让你更清楚地认识Vim

Vim takes too long to learn


If you want analogues to all of the features in your IDE, that would likely take some time, just as it would in any other new editor. However, if all you need to start is to be able to enter text, move around, and load and save files, you just need to know:

如果你想用Vim模拟出你IDE(集成开发环境)的所有功能,那当然需要点时间了,就算是其他编辑器要模拟出这些功能也需要时间啊.但如果你只是想要简单地编辑功能: 插入文字,移动光标,打开保存文件,那你只需要知道一下5条:

• i to enter insert mode, Esc to leave it

• i 进入插入模式,Esc回到正常模式 • Arrow keys to move around in both modes

• 在插入模式和正常模式都可以用方向键移动 • :e to load a document

• :e 打开文件 • :w to save a document

• :w 保存文件 • :q to quit, :q! to ignore unsaved changes

• :q 退出vim :q!强制退出,不保存已经更改的文件

To do pretty much everything Windows Notepad would let you do, on top of that you’d only need to learn:


• dd to cut a line

dd剪贴(删除)一整行 • yy to copy a line

yy复制一行 • p to paste a line

• p粘贴一行 • / to search for text

• /搜索文字 • n to go to the next result

• n跳转到下一个搜索到的文字 • :s/pattern/replacement to replace text

• :s/pattern/replacement 替换文字

From that point, you only get faster as you learn how to do new things. So saying that Vim takes weeks to learn is a bit disingenuous when the essentials can easily be mastered with a few minutes’ practice.


Granted, the arrow keys are a bit of an anti-pattern, but you can worry about that later.


Vim has no GUI


Vim has a GUI version called Gvim for both Windows and Unix. For Mac OS X, the MacVim port is preferred. For experienced users the GUI’s only real advantage over the terminal version is a wider color palette, but it has a toolbar and other GUI elements which some new users may find useful.

在Windows和Unix下Vim都有图形界面的版本,名叫Gvim. Mac OS X下的版本叫MacVim. 对高级用户来说图形界面的版本唯一比较好的地方就是它的配色会比终端版本的多,但,真正的程序员会在乎这个吗?! 还有些工具栏啊菜单栏啊这些东西,有些人可能觉得会比较有用吧.除此之外终端版本完胜啊,想想,那么多终端里面可以用的命令,再和vim强强联合起来简直不要太牛逼啊!!

Vim doesn’t have spell checking


Vim allows spell checking with system dictionaries, using :set spell and :set spelllang. Misspelt and unknown words are highlighted appropriately.

有啊.系统自带的字典,用set spell和setspelllang设置后,就可以高亮出错的单词了

Vim doesn’t have syntax highlighting


Vim has support for syntax highlighting that can be turned on with :syntax enable, for a very wide variety of programming languages, markup languages, and configuration file syntaxes.

:syntax enable打开语法高亮,可以支持各种语言和配置文件

Vim only allows eight colours


This is a limitation of terminal emulators rather than of Vim itself, but most modern GUI terminal emulators allow 256 colours anyway with a little extra setup. The GUI version, Gvim, has full color support with the familiar rrggbb color definitions.


Vim doesn’t have class/function folding


Vim does in fact have support for folding, based on both code structure and manually defined boundaries. See :help folding for details.

Vim有折叠功能啊,可以根据代码结构或者手动折叠,详情请看:help folding

Vim doesn’t have autocompletion


Vim allows basic completion using words already in the current buffer, and also more advanced omnicompletion using language dictionaries for constants, variables, classes, and functions.


Vim doesn’t have a file browser


Vim has had the Netrw plugin bundled for some time, which provides a pretty capable filesystem browser.


Vim can’t do network editing


Again, the bundled Netrw plugin handles this. Editing files over FTP and SCP links is pretty transparent. You can open a file on a remote server by entering the following, which will prompt for your username and password: :e ftp://ftp.example.com/index.html

这个啊,Netrw插件已经具备这个功能了,FTP啊SCP上的文件都可以编辑啊.你可以打开一个远程服务器上的文件,当然如果要验证的话还要输入用户名和密码 :e ftp://ftp.example.com/index.html

When you’re done editing, you just enter :w to save the file, and it’s automatically uploaded for you. You can record your FTP credentials in a .netrc file to save having to type in usernames and passwords all the time. URIs with scp:// work the same way; with a good public key infrastructure set up, you can use Vim quite freely as a network-transparent editor.


Vim doesn’t have tabs or windows


The model Vim uses for tabs and windows is rather different from most GUI editors, but both are supported and have been for some time.


Vim has too many modes


It has three major modes: normal mode, insert mode, and command mode. There’s a fourth that’s Vim-specific, called visual mode, for selecting text.


Most editors are modal in at least some respect; when you bring up a dialog box, or enter a prefix key to another command, you’re effectively changing modes. The only real difference is that context shifts in Vim are at first less obvious; the screen doesn’t look too different between normal, insert, and command mode.


The showmode option helps to distinguish between insert and normal mode, a common frustration for beginners. This gets easier when you get into the habit of staying out of insert mode when not actually entering text.

可以设置下:set showmode就可以在状态行下区分这三种模式了,新手可能对此比较困惑,但熟练之后,你会习惯在普通模式下,除非要插入点什么东西

Vim doesn’t work with the mouse


Vim works fine with the mouse, in both Gvim and xterm-like terminal emulators, if you really want it. You can change the position of the cursor, scroll through the document, and select text as normal. Setting the below generally does the trick:


:set mouse=a

However, even a little experience in Vim may show you that you don’t need the mouse as much as you think. Careful use of the keyboard allows much more speed and precision, and it’s quite easy to run a complex editing session without even moving from the keyboard’s “home row”, let alone all the way over to the mouse.


Vim doesn’t do Unicode


Vim supports Unicode encodings with the encoding option. It’s likely you’ll only need to put the below in your .vimrc file and then never really think about encoding in your editor again:


:set encoding=utf-8

Vim isn’t being developed or maintained


The original author of Vim, and its current maintainer and release manager, is Bram Moolenaar. At the time of writing, he is working for Google, and is paid to spend some of his time developing Vim. The development mailing list for Vim is very active, and patches are submitted and applied to the publically accessible Mercurial repository on a regular basis. Vim is not a dead project.

Vim的开发者,也就是现在的维护者和发布者,都是他Bram Moolenaar.写此文时,他就职于google 他开发Vim都有薪水拿哦.Vim的开发邮件列表还很活跃呢,补丁都更新的.Vim才不是挂掉的项目

Vim is closed source


Vim isn’t proprietary or closed source, and never has been. It uses its own GPL-compatible license called the Vim license.


The original vi used to be proprietary because Bill Joy based the code on the classic UNIX text editor ed, but its source code has now been released under a BSD-style license.



感受: 里面很多尤其是后面部分的误解,我感觉没有啊,我从一接触Vim就知道它是免费开源而且开发活跃的,但开头的一些误解还是挺频繁的—谁说vim要学好几个月啊,就那5条已经够用了啊!这个真的跟玩魔方一样,花一两小时学一下,受用终身啊!

就这样,现场翻译感觉如何啊?? 88

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