





php mvc

  1. m:model is to get data( usually from database,but for simplicity you can just return a string as if it were from databases,it makes no difference from controller
  2. v:view is for presentation. just to show the data in various way,or simply display it the way it is
  3. c:controller is the commander who decide which data to present using which kind of view
  4. all with object .

  5. alter table ttt change create_time date timestamp default current_timestamp;
  6. alter table ttt add email varchar(33) after id;
  7. insert into ttt set name=’royaso’;
  8. select last_insert_id();
  9. delete from ttt
  10. truncate table ttt
  11. create table yyy select * from ttt;
  12. mysql< source /home/roya/a.sql

sudo php5dismod xdebug && service apache2 restart

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