

2016年 01月 08日 星期五 09:17:51 CST


我的生日愿望是获得网友资助的 iPhone 5 和 iOS 开发者账号



  1. 用w3m
  2. 关闭lantern
  3. chrome 另一个不用代理的浏览器


  1. rename b.conf to bbs.conf
  2. a2query -s
  3. a2dissite
  4. a2ensite
  5. apache2 reload

curl –proxy www.google.com

for api

  1. programe data for outsie access
  2. no need to aceess program directly
  3. .htaccess helps to redirec request

apache mod_rewrite

  1. see if rewrite mod is on sudo apache2ctl -M
  2. set rewrite mod on sudo a2enmod rewrite
  3. restart apache to make it effect


  1. QSA rewrite mod has effect on newly-creat file and dirs
  2. NC not case sensitive
  3. L this is the last rule. other rule below this has no effec

apache warning no server’s fully qualified domain name such as when ‘sudo apach2ctl -M’ list mods

two way to add a simple setting ‘ ServerName localhost’

  1. echo “ ServerName localhost “ » /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
  2. by using a2enconf
  3. reload or restart apache

二手Apple/苹果 MacBook Air MC965CH/A13寸超薄笔记本电脑i5i7 高清屏1920分辨率 英特4代i5 4200U处理器,发热低哦!

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