xdotool search –name vimperator key g g
Adding Elinks to your Tmux workflow will do wonders for your desire to remain on task. Going out your GUI browser should be minimized as much as possible as it can lead to a quick check over to email or worse, your Twitter timeline! Elinks can replace reliance on your GUI browser for simple, non-research type searches, references, cheat sheets, and other documentation pages. Use Elinks within Tmux and watch your productively hit new heights.
卡死啦!! 我的破电脑ff开多也卡,卡死大不了崩溃重新开启,有session manager一切标签页面都在
Did you recently add yourself to the www-data group? If so, have you logged out since?
果然都是高质量的回答啊,一语中的!!!! 这就是我的问题: 已经把www-data加入到user组了,apache的目录也组可写,但就是不能安装dz,原因就在这了,重启apache即可
ps:顺便学到如何测试你是否可写文件或者目录 test -w aa.txt && echo ‘writable’ | echo ‘not writable’ |