


  1. access denied : copy systems directory
  2. website not authorized : config file -> local deployment xxx.local
  3. database error : database.conf.php -> echo dbname,pass
  4. database rename : phpmyadmin
  5. mysql root password : mysql tools

this is not the right way. It usually goes like this:

the web site comes with document for development

try windows power shell

  1. bigger window with blue background
  2. has ls command
  3. still no command line edit shortcut such as “c-u,c-k”, resulting ugly ^M^U^K

conclusion: a bit better than cmd, definetly not comparable with shell

three type of OS with different type of new line

  1. unix(linux) \n
  2. window( dos ) \r\n
  3. macOS \r

so ,if you open a file with vim, and everything is fine, it must be using \n as new line

if it has an additional ^M at the end of every line, it must have been created in window

and if all lines are in a big line, it must have been created in MACOS


php调试, 传统的做法是,php文件保存后刷新页面查看,

  1. 直接用curl看源代码是最好的
  2. 直接在vim调用curl命令,这样连tmux的pane都不用切换!





command! -nargs=1 Silent
\ | execute ':silent !'.<q-args>
\ | execute ':redraw!'

nnoremap ,e :Silent !tmux send-keys -t 0 'curl test.com/a.php' c-m<cr>

nnoremap ,w :silent !tmux send-keys -t 0 'date' c-m <cr>:redraw!<cr>

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